Sunday, September 27, 2009

It's hard to believe summer is over and fall is here, what a busy time for everyone.

Meghan is looking for a teaching job, and has been doing some Subbing and still doing alot of Nanny work, She said she had a couple of interviews coming up and I hope they are something she is looking for. As always she stays pretty busy and doesn't get a lot of free time for herself. I just Pray that God will lead her to the right place so she can feel a sense of security in her life. Keep me posted Meghan and let me know how things turn out.

Brianna, is very busy in her deployment, at our FRG meeting in September we were told that her unit has already put in over 40,000 miles, that's a lot of miles in a short time and her captain wrote a letter stating that they were very proud of the unit and things were going well.

Right now she is living in a very remote area and they are not fully equiped with services - not sure how long it will be till they get more service. They are living in tents and Brianna said they were moving in other females from a different unit which means they will have to bunk.

I guess they have had some sand storms and they said they were almost worse then a snowstorm. The temperture were very high and the sun was strong, but Bri said the temps are starting to come down, but still need alot of protection, especially for the lips. Send alot of Chapstick with SPF.

I don't get to hear from Bri very often, but when I do It is such a relief just even if its an email - I at least know she is okay. Thanks for Keeping her and her unit in your prayers and in your thoughts it is very much appreciated. and I hope I will be back with more to share soon.

Stay in touch and God Bless us all.

Meghan & Brianna's Mom

Friday, September 11, 2009

September 11...

Today I was lucky enough to sub at my school where I did my student teaching. I have not yet found a teaching job so have decided to do some subbing. I love subbing! I miss the classroom so much and have been a little sad when I help my teacher friends because I wish to have my own room. Soon, is what I need to tell myself.

Anyways. At school today we had a small assembly in memory of September 11, 2001. I was thinking back to this day 8 years ago. I remember sitting in my 9th grade Ag class in Glencoe. Many of us were laughing, because we believed that some stupid pilot hit a tall building- we all were thinking, how could you not see a building that tall. When the 2nd plane hit, we knew that something was wrong. The whole day was so slow and overwhelming in trying to grasp what was happening. I don't think we did anything in school all day, except for my math class, maybe 10 min of work. I remember a lot about what I was thinking and remember watching the images play over and over again. But I know what I wasn't thinking. That in 8 years from that day my sister would be one of those people in Afghanistan fighting for this freedom that many were trying to take away from us. I am sitting and watching a 9/11 documentary right now and can't help but be taken back to that day and remember how shaken we all were.

I am so proud that my sister is over there fighting for the freedom that I take forgranted all too often. What a gift freedom is and that we have men and women over there to keep what we hold so dear in this country fighting to maintain that.

Today (or whenever you read this) my hope and prayer is that for 1 minute you and I can put all the frustrations of this country, the leaders, and things going on in your life and remember all those who so suddenly lost their lives on this day 8 years ago. And no matter how you feel about this war, please remember those who are there fighting for the freedom we have because of those in the past, present and future. Support the people even if you don't support the war. The reality is, someone you love and care for may be over there someday, I didn't think I would be one of those people and yet I have had a cousin and a sister over there.

Bri- I love you tons and am so proud of you. Keep fighting the good fight. Be safe. I love ya. Ain't no mountain high, ain't no valley low...

Love from one who remembers,