Sunday, June 28, 2009

Bri in Indiana

I finally got a chance to talk to Brianna this week. I hadn't been able to get a hold of her since she had gotten to Indiana. She sounded really well and said that things had been going fairly well. It didn't sound like things were to overwhelming, which helped ease my stress level. There is still no official word on when they are leaving for Kuwait. It was 30 days then it was 45, Bri said that it will happen when it happens and it could be at any time. A little scary. I asked if there was any word on when they will be back in the US, again no word. I would really like to know just so I can start counting down the days til she gets home.

I'm going to try to get some pictures from Bri's celebration up on the blog for everyone to see. So check back soon.

I'm doing ok, have a lot of things on my plate and still no word on a job. Please pray for a job for me. Thanks for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers!! We hope that all is well on your end!

Meghan and Brianna

Hey Girl. I am so glad I got to talk to you the other day. I'm glad things aren't to stressful and crazy this time around. I love you tons and miss you lots.

Love- Me

Saturday, June 20, 2009

For Your Enjoyment...

To watch video, turn off sound at the bottom of the page.

I have been going through a large box of cds and came across a funny video.  This video was taken I believe my freshman year of college back when I came back for Christmas.  Bri and I drove up to Graceville where some of our family lives.  The "kids" got the job of cleaning up after the meal.  The little cousins started whipping the older cousins with towels.  So we fight back.  I start spraying water at one of them and Bri and I could not stop laughing.  Hope you enjoy this if you don't you probably had to be there.

Bri- I hope this gives you a good laugh.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Change of Addresses...

This week has been a pretty big week for both Brianna and I.  Brianna had a celebration this weekend for the military before deployment.  The Governer of Minnesota, Tim Pawlenty, was there.  Brianna also had to go to Chislom (sp?) for another ceremony.  I was unable to go, but I was told that several family members showed up in support for Brianna.  She said the ceremony wasn't that exciting, they just stood there.  Poor thing.  On Wednesday Brianna and her unit were flown to Indiana for more training.  This training I believe lasts for 35 days and then it is off to Kuwait.  I haven't heard from Brianna since she landed in Indiana, so once I hear from her I will update with more information.

It has been pretty busy here on my end.  I have been subbing like a mad woman and school finished on Tuesday.  I am also moving.  I move to a friends house on Saturday.  Other than that, it has been the same, just keeping busy.  I still haven't heard about a job yet, but I am preparing myself for the last minute call to go and teach.

Thank you for taking the time to read the blog and for your prayers and support.  We are grateful for all of you.  Please continue your prayers for us.

Hey girly!  Deployment is getting so close I can't believe it.  I really wish I could have been there for you this weekend.  Another thing I feel guilty about not being there for you.   I am so proud of you!  I hope Indiana isn't too crazy and that you can get some rest before you have to leave.  I love you tons, keep up the great work.

Love you!  Megs

Monday, June 1, 2009

A Brianna Story...

I have been working on writing a book about being a military sister. There is little for sibilings on how to cope with a sibiling being deployed. So this is my project. I have asked some people to help jog my memory in some stories about Bri and I growing up and this one cracked me up. I have changed the point of view to fit with the book. Thank you Grandpa and Midge for this story and helping me laugh.

Brianna has always had a style of her own even as a very small girl! One time when we were camping, she and dad were playing “baseball”. Brianna had on a baseball cap that was several sizes too big and she wore it cocked to one side with her strawberry blond hair sticking out in every direction under the hat. She took a stance with the bat and dad pitched the tennis ball to her and it hit her on the side. He started to laugh and she put her hand on her hip and said “It ain’t funny, dad! You don’t see me laughin, do ya?” Later that day dad decided that it was time to remove the training wheels from Brianna’s bike. She was not happy about this turn of events, the day had not gone so well already. She came into the camper and Midge and her daughter, Kristi, asked why she was so upset. She said that Dad had taken off her training wheels. Kristi told Brianna that she was a big girl and it would be okay. Brianna took one look at Kristi and said “I’m not that big!” She definitely knew how she felt about any given situation.

I've only briefly talked to Brianna. She is doing ok. They have been doing a lot of training and prepping for leaving. Please keep her in your prayers!

Nothing to report here, still haven't heard about a job- so continued prayers on that topic please!!

I have enjoyed getting some very funny stories about as when we were little. It has also brought tears to my eyes as well as it makes me miss you more. I am always thinking about you. I am very proud of you. I hope you enjoy the letters from the kids. You have to read it the way they wrote it with out trying to figure out what they are saying because it is so funny!
I love you a lot and miss you tons.