Saturday, June 20, 2009

For Your Enjoyment...

To watch video, turn off sound at the bottom of the page.

I have been going through a large box of cds and came across a funny video.  This video was taken I believe my freshman year of college back when I came back for Christmas.  Bri and I drove up to Graceville where some of our family lives.  The "kids" got the job of cleaning up after the meal.  The little cousins started whipping the older cousins with towels.  So we fight back.  I start spraying water at one of them and Bri and I could not stop laughing.  Hope you enjoy this if you don't you probably had to be there.

Bri- I hope this gives you a good laugh.


  1. This reminds me of some really really amazing times!!! Thanks for putting it on.. I needed a laugh today!
