Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I am so excited. In a week and one day Bri will be here! I am so excited... It can't come fast enough. However, it means that her leaving is that much closer. I have been feeling bittersweet about countdowns lately. My cohort and I have been counting down the days to when we finish (as of right now- 23 days left). We are so excited to finally get out and teach. Then I think about another countdown- Bri's. Her time is so limited and going so fast, there are 20 days til she leaves and I am dreading that countdown.

Brianna was up in Duluth this past weekend for a family readiness program. It didn't sound to exciting- but I need to get more details. She and I haven't gotten a chance to talk for a little while. Will update you soon.

I have been pretty busy. I sent out 41 resumes last week and have gotten a call from 2 places already. Very crazy.

Will update you soon!
Brianna and Meghan

1 comment:

  1. Meghan this is really awesome - what you have done here, will help so many people to stay in touch with Bri. Brianna will really appreciate this as a way to stay in touch with a lot of family & friends.

    You are the correct with the countdown, it's coming up so fast, with everything that is planned and you get excited to do with Brianna, it brings her time closer to her training/deployment date. I guess all we can do is enjoy each moment we get with her to the fullest and make the best memories for her & us. And cont. to pray that all will be okay and I know she will have a lot of support around her.

    I also wish you alot of luck with seeking for the right job, I hope you have a lot of success fulfilling your dreams.


    p.s. I love the song - it brought back alot of memories, when both of you were younger.
