Monday, February 16, 2009

The Latest

Sorry it has been a while since we have posted! It has been pretty crazy on both our ends. Brianna has been informed that she has more training and it happens to fall on the time she was supposed to come out and visit me. I am so bummed that we won't be able to have as much time as we expected to have together before she has to leave. She is planning to come out, but still figuring out all the logistics for both of us. I also found out that our cousin, who was in Afghanistan for deployment, is being sent back and will be serving another term. He is leaving in July. Now two people to worry about. I am so proud of them while another part of me is sad and selfish in wanting them to be here in the states and safe. It is hard to let go, but I know I must. Brianna has been visiting a lot of people and doing some pretty amazing things. I am so proud of her.

As for me, I have to meet with the doctor tomorrow for a follow and discuss my blood work results. They may have found something so more tests and possibly meeting with specialists. So keeping thinking and praying for answers...

We hope all is well on your end. Thanks for checking in!

Brianna and Meghan

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